Friday, April 10, 2009

"Because hate is legislated... "

This gift was sent to me by LeeAnn. It also came with a lovely large and delicious home made pumpkin bread and a card. I had never heard of Walter Benton, but I opened the book to the first entry, dated April 28, and it says this:

Because hate is legislated...written into
the primer and the testament,
shot into our blood and brain like vaccine or vitamins

Because our day is of time--and the clock-hand turns,

closes the circle upon us: and black timeless night

sucks us in like quicksand, receives us totally--

without a raincheck or a parachute, a key to heaven or the last long look

I need love more than ever now...I need your love,

I need love more than hope or money, wisdom or a drink

Because slow negative death withers the world--and only yes

can turn the tide

Because love has your face and body...and your hands are tender

and your mouth is sweet--and God has made no other eyes like yours.


Ghost Dansing said...

that's a really nice poem Utah.... i like that picture of you and the guardian in the margin too....

Utah Savage said...

Hi Ghost. Good to see you. I like that picture too. I've been receiving such lovely gifts. How about you? Are you blogging against theocracy?

Jaliya said...

Wow, Utah ... This is a keeper. Thanks so much. It's like a shot of oxygen to the soul. Much needed and appreciated!

Randal Graves said...

I like the poem, but I'm not giving up on hate just yet. That would hateful.