Thursday, May 28, 2009

Big Pick-up Sticks


Spadoman said...

I take it these are from the cherry picked tree? Do you like the fire? I have an outside fire pit lined with flag stone. I burn every full moon and sometimes in between. I pick up what nature drops. I guess if I had a cherry picker drop one nearby, I'd gather some of that, looks good and dry and ready to release the spirits that have lived in it.


Dr. Zaius said...

Maybe you an get George Bush to help you clear brush.

Randal Graves said...

Ah can' cut no brush, gotta talk ta Bubba in Canadaland, heh heh. I played pick-up sticks in ma cabnet meetins, heh heh.

Utah Savage said...

Thanks Randal for answering Dr. Z's comment, I was stumped, and yes that's a pun. I just accidentally tore my toenail off with wrestling with a tree limb. Oh sweet jesus what pain!

Utah Savage said...

Spadoman, all the truly dead wood will be moved to the fire pit. Ms. M who lives in the main house is having a party tonight and the fire pit will be in use.

PENolan said...

You have a chance to play one of my favorite games: Folk Art or Fire Wood?